A character trailer for the TV anime “Trillion Game“, written by Riichiro Inagaki and Ryoichi Ikegami, has been released, featuring Gaku (Manabu Taira). The anime, produced by studio MADHOUSE, is set to premiere in October 2024. His business partner, Haru, has already been revealed in another trailer.
Character Trailer:
Shoya Ishige as Gaku
Key Visual:
Director: Yuzo Sato
Series Composition: Ryunosuke Kingetsu
Character Design: Kei Tsuchiya
Music: Takurou Iga
Animation Production: MADHOUSE
Trillion Game tells the story of Haru, the most selfish man in the world, and Gaku, a reasonable man who loves computers. They form the strongest team in the world and try to create a company from scratch to earn a trillion dollars.
Source: Official Twitter
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