At Jump Festa 2025, a new cast member for the second season of the anime Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess by Robinson Haruhara and Hirakei was revealed. However, the release date for Season 2 has yet to be announced.
Mutsumi Tamura as Sakura Heartlock
Teaser Visual:
The anime is an adaptation of the gag manga series created by Robinson Haruhara and illustrated by Hirakei. It originally debuted in serialized form on April 4, 2019, in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ online magazine. Tis Time for ‘Torture,’ Princess revolves around a captive princess who undergoes “torture” at the hands of the Hellhorde, who relentlessly tantalize her with irresistible Japanese cuisine and snacks.
Source: Jump Festa 2025, Official X
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