The second season of the anime “The Elusive Samurai,” based on Yusei Matsui‘s work, has been confirmed. The first season, produced by CloverWorks, aired starting in July, with Asaki Yuikawa voicing the role of Tokiyuki Hojo. The season concluded with its final episode on September 28.
Official announcement:
Key Visual:
STAFF (Season 1):
Director: Yuta Yamazaki
Character designs: Yasushi Nishitani
Series composition and screenplay: Yoriko Tomita
Animation Production: CloverWorks
Crunchyroll describes The Elusive Samurai as follows:
In the year 1333, the Kamakura shogunate government comes crumbling down. A trusted vassal, Ashikaga Takauji, betrays the shogunate and organizes a rebellion. Hojo Tokiyuki, the rightful heir, escapes the massacre with a Shinto priest named Suwa Yorisige to Kamakura. On the run and fighting to stay alive, Tokiyuki sets in motion his plan to reclaim his birthright.
Source: Official Website
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