The TV anime “The Danjo no Yūjō wa Seiritsu Suru? Iya, Shinai!!“ is set to premiere in April 2025. Produced by J.C.STAFF, the series features Kikunosuke Toya as the protagonist, Yu Natsume, and Sayumi Suzushiro as the heroine, Himari Inuzuku.
Key Visual:
Director: Yohei Suzuki
Series composition: Nozu Yaemori
Character designs: Natsuki Oyama.
Animation Production: J.C.STAFF
Nana Nana is the author of the “Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru?” light novel series, which is published by Dengeki Bunko. Men and women who should have pledged eternal friendship become unrequited love! ?? It is a romantic comedy that revolves around the theme of friendship between a man and a woman.
Source: Official Twitter
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