Natsumi Fujiwara has been cast as Arthur, the protagonist of the TV anime The Beginning After The End, while Makoto Furukawa will portray Gray, the mighty king from Arthur’s previous life. Uniquely, the anime features two actors bringing one character to life. Season 1 is set to premiere in April 2025, airing on Fuji TV’s “+Ultra” slot and other channels.
Alongside the cast announcement, a “long version teaser PV” featuring the character voices of Arthur and Gray was unveiled.
Teaser PV long ver.:
Teaser Visual:
Executive producers: TurtleMe, Gabriel le Luu, Mike Zhu, Kevin Nicklaus
Director: Keitaro Motonaga
Series Composition: Takamitsu Kouno
Story Supervisor: TurtleMe
Character Design: Masami Sueoka
Music: Keiji Inai
Production: Slow Curve
Animation Production: studio A-CAT
The manhwa The Beginning After the End is available for digital reading on Tapas and in print through Yen Press. Crunchyroll describes the anime as follows:
After a mysterious death, King Grey is reborn as Arthur Leywin on the magical continent of Dicathen. Although he enters his second life as a baby, his previous wisdom remains. He begins to master magic and forge his own path as the years go by, seeking to correct the mistakes of his past life.
Source: Comic Natalie
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