The anime adaptation of Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote has released its first trailer. Scheduled to air in Japan in 2024, the series is based on Kou Nikatsu‘s light novel, illustrated by Sabamizore.
The light novel series, which began in 2020, has nine volumes as of December 2023, published under KADOKAWA’s Dengeki Bunko label. Additionally, it has inspired a manga adaptation by Umemi Yakimoto, concluding with three volumes.
Synopsis according to the official website:
Yugure Yuhi and Utatane Yasumi, two high schooler voice actresses who just happened to attend the same school and coincidentally got placed into the same class, are the two hosts of a radio weekly program. As fellow classmates and voice actresses, they show all the listeners their great friendship! At least, on the surface. In reality, the quiet girl Chika and the gyaru Yumiko are complete opposites. And they absolutely cannot stand each other. Off air, chaos and insults erupt. On air, they’re the best of friends. Just where will this tumultuous relationship lead them?
Source: Official Twitter
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