An anime film of the TV anime “Rakudai Ninja Rantaro“, based on the original story by Amago Saubei, will be released in Japanese cinemas in December under the title “Rakudai Ninja Rantaro: Dokutake Ninja-tai Saikyo no Gunshi“.
A teaser visual, a teaser trailer and staff information have been released. The teaser visual shows Hansuke Doi with a serious look on his face!
Teaser Trailer:
Teaser Visual:
Director: Masaya Fujimori
Script: Kazuhisa Sakaguchi
Animation Production: Ajia-do
Rakudai Ninja Rantaro: Dokutake Ninja-tai Saikyo no Gunshi is the first film adaptation of the book novel by Kazuhisa Sakaguchi, screenwriter of the TV series, which was published in 2013. The book is one of the most popular episodes, and many fans have been waiting for a theatrical anime adaptation.
Source: Comic Natalie
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