Warner Bros. Japan and WIT Studio jointly updated the original anime Suicide Squad ISEKAI with a character trailer featuring Deadshot (voiced by Reigo Yamaguchi)! The anime series is based...
The latest installment in the "Space Battleship Yamato" remake series, "Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199," has unveiled its main trailer and visual for "Chapter...
The anime adaptation of Mokumokuren's "The Summer Hikaru Died" has been officially announced. Along with this announcement, new illustrations from Mokumokuren have also been...
The main visual of the TV anime "FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest" by Hiro Mashima has been released. Additional cast members have also been announced. The...
In the second season of the TV anime "Urusei Yatsura," written by Rumiko Takahashi, new characters and their respective cast members have been introduced...