The beloved Naruto anime series is set to captivate audiences across the United States and Canada with NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience, launching its latest tour in February 2025! Presented by GEA Live, Un Pour Tous Productions, RoadCo Entertainment, and VIZ Media, this concert series will feature a stunning two-hour original film showcasing highlights from the first 220 episodes of Naruto, brought to life with an immersive symphonic performance.
Official announcement:
Tickets for the concert will be available for purchase starting December 6 at 10:00 a.m. ET. For more details, visit
The upcoming episodes of “NARUTO” will be broadcasted over a span of four weeks at a time yet to be announced, featuring FLOW returning to perform the opening and ending themes. Both the original “NARUTO” anime and its sequel series, “Naruto Shippuden,” are currently available for streaming on Crunchyroll. The platform describes the series as follows:
The Village Hidden in the Leaves is home to the stealthiest ninja. But twelve years earlier, a fearsome Nine-tailed Fox terrorized the village before it was subdued and its spirit sealed within the body of a baby boy.
Sources: Naruto on X, Crunchyroll
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