The original TV anime “Narenare -Cheer for You!-” is set to premiere on July 7. Alongside this announcement, new additional cast members, a new key visual and main trailer featuring theme songs has been released.
New Trailer:
New Key Visual:
Azusa Tadokoro as Noichigo Izawa
Yuna Kitahara as Hana Nabatame
Rikako Aida as Hiragi Kanzawa
Yu Serizawa as Miyabi Kushida
Director: Koudai Kakimoto
Series composer and scriptwriter: Koudai Kakimoto
Scriptwriter: Yuniko Ayana, Midori Gotou
Character designer: Kanami Sekiguchi, Nana Miura
Art director: Yuusuke Takada, Tsukasa Kakizakai, GK Sales
Animation production: P.A.Works
The story follows in the heart of Gunma prefecture about six high school girls supporting each other through their different hobbies. Stay Tuned for more information on Nanare Hananare anime will be announced on February 8, 2024!
Source: Official Website
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