The TV anime adaptation of Makoto Kudo‘s “My Awkward Senpai“ is set to premiere in 2025. Alongside the announcement, details about the cast and staff, a teaser PV, and a teaser visual have also been unveiled.
Teaser Trailer:
Teaser Visual:
Lynn as Azusa Kannawa
Director: Ayumu Kotake
Series Composition / Script: Mio Inoue
Character Design: Kenro Tokuda
Music: Koji Fujimoto (Sus4 Inc.)
Animation Production: elle.
My Awkward Senpai has been serialized in Square Enix’s Young Gangan magazine since 2022, with eight collected volumes released as of August 2024. According to Comikey, the series follows…
“Well… as you can see, my senpai’s a little intense – hold on, “a little”?”
Kannawa-senpai is considered many things, but smooth is definitely not one of them. Then she meets Kamegawa, her new Kouhai. He’s cute, a little nerdy, and easy to talk to. How will this awkward Senpai be able to handle these new feelings?!
Source: Official Twitter
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