At the Kyoto Animation 2025 Lineup Presentation, an anime movie of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid has been officially announced! Titled “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: A Lonely Dragon Wants to Be Loved“, the movie is set for release in Japan in 2025. Both a teaser visual and a teaser video have been revealed to build excitement for the film!
Teaser Visual:
Teaser Announcement:
Kanna:Maria Naganawa
Miss Kobayashi:Mutsumi Tamura
Tohru:Yūki Kuwahara
Original:Coolkyousinnjya (Serializing at Futabasha「Action Comics」)
Director:Tatsuya Ishihara
Animation Studio:Kyoto Animation
Produced by:Dragon Maid Committee
The heartful family comedy of a dragon girl named Tohru who worked as Miss Kobayashi’s maid by a coincidence interacting with human races is coming back as a movie!
Source: Official website
© coolkyousinnjya, Futabasha / Dragon Maid Committee
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