The official website for the anime film “Look Back” by Tatsuki Fujimoto, renowned for “Chainsaw Man” and other works, has released a 15-second TV commercial. The film is set to premiere in Japan on June 28.
Look Back won hearts with its touching story that explores themes of friendship, perseverance and art. The work follows the lives of two young artistic talents, Ayumu Fujino and Kyomoto, as they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, artistic career and personal challenges.
CM (15sec.):
Director/Screenplay/Character design: Kiyotaka Oshiyama
Art Director: Yoshi Sameshima
Music: Haruka Nakamura
Animation Production: Studio Durian
Yumi Kawai will play the role of Fujino and Mizuki Yoshida will play the role of Kyomoto.
VIZ Media, describes Look Back story as follows:
The overly confident Fujino and the shut-in Kyomoto couldn’t be more different, but a love of drawing manga brings these two small-town girls together. A poignant story of growing up and moving forward that only Tatsuki Fujimoto, the creator of Chainsaw Man, could have crafted.
Source: Official Twitter
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