A TV anime adaptation of the novel Kunon the Sorcerer Can See by Umikaze Minamino and Laruha has been announced. To celebrate the news, commemorative illustrations have been shared by the novel’s illustrator, Laruha, and the manga adaptation artist, La-na.
Illustration by Laruha:
Illustration by La-na:
Originally published in March 2022 by Kadokawa, the light novel series Kunon the Sorcerer Can See by Umikaze Minamino and Laruha has expanded to six volumes. Meanwhile, La-na’s manga adaptation, serialized in Monthly Comic Alive, has released five volumes so far.
Yen Press describes the story:
Genius sorcerer Kunon has gotten his business on track and won the rare honor of concurrent membership in three of the magic school’s factions. Now he plans to start a few joint research projects with his illustrious seniors. An experiment on underwater breathing methods takes him to the bottom of the ocean to hunt for sunken treasure, though Kunon might have found an even greater prize than gold or jewels…The blind prodigy’s repertoire continues to grow as he delves further into the mysteries of magic and defies all common sense!
Source: Comic Natalie
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