The cast, main visual, and teaser trailer for the anime “JOCHUM” have been unveiled. This new TV anime series, a collaboration between the Japanese idol group JO1 and Sanrio’s character line JOCHUM, is scheduled to premiere in Summer 2024 during Fuji TV’s infotainment program “MEZAMASHI Saturday”.
Teaser Trailer:
Main Visual:
Yuri Noguchi as PiHai
Kaito Takeda as Rain
Taichi Kusano as Micoon
Nanami Yoshimura as Chimata
Shoma Uno as Ya-nu-ka-mi
Sakura Kawaguchi as MAMEchi
Momo Ishibashi as Pop-poh
Masato Sugiyama as Chulala
Mahana Yamasaki as Moco
Kanon Amane as Ruru
Yudai Mino as Bira
Director: Hazumu Sakuta
Series Composition, Script: Yoichi Kato
Animation production: FANWORKS
JOCHUM is made up of 11 characters, each representing a member of JO1 along with a corresponding Sanrio mascot. They all reside together in one home. The members are Sukai Kinjo, Ren Kawashiri, Junki Kono, Syoya Kimata, Sho Yonashiro, Issei Mamehara, Takumi Kawanishi, Shion Tsurubo, Shohei Ohira, Ruki Shiroiwa, and Keigo Sato.
Source: Comic Natalie
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