The TV anime “Gorilla no Kami kara Kagosareta Reijou wa Ouritsu Kishi-dan de Kawaigarareru” by Mika Kamisu will begin airing in April 2025. The main cast, staff and teaser visual have been revealed.
Teaser Visual:
Kanna Nakamura as Sophia
Takeo Otsuka as Louis
Reiji Kawashima as Isaac
Takuma Nagatsuka as Eddie
Director: Fumitoshi Oizaki
Series Composition / Script: Hitomi Amamiya
Character Design: Sakae Shibuya
Music: Seima Iwahashi (Elements Garden)
Production Cooperation: diomedéa
Animation Production: Kachigarasu
The series Gorilla no Kami kara Kagosareta Reijou wa Ouritsu Kishi-dan de Kawaigarareru is published by Kadokawa on ComicWalker under its FLOS Comic fantasy label. So far, it has released 30 chapters compiled into five volumes.
The story is set in a world were 16-year-olds receive blessings from various animal gods. For Sophia, the timid daughter of a noble, she received the blessing from the “Gorilla God,” giving her the ability to lift over 500 kgs. Although all she wants is a peaceful life, people seek her out due to immense power, leading her to becoming scouted by the royal knights.
Sources: Comic Natalie
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