The upcoming anime Gintama: 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-Sensei, based on the spin-off light novel series by Tomohiko Osaki, is set to premiere on TV Tokyo in October 2025. A new teaser trailer have been unveiled at Jump Festa 2025!
New Teaser Trailer:
Chief Director: Makoto Moriwaki
Director: Natsumi Higashida
Series Composition: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Shinji Takeuchi
Music: Audio Highs
Production: BN Pictures
The light novel series 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei by Tomohito Osaki is part of the broader celebration for Gintama’s 20th anniversary. This spin-off features Gintoki Sakata as a high school teacher, taking on the role of homeroom teacher for Class 3-Z at Gintama High School.
The story is a comedic take on school life, where the classroom feels more like a chaotic zoo, packed with students who each have their own larger-than-life personalities.
Source: Jump Festa 2025
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