The isekai anime, Fluffy Paradise, based on Himawari‘s light novel series, is set to premiere on January 7, 2024 in Japan! (Crunchyroll premiered the first episode on January 1). A second main trailer has been revealed for the series.
New Trailer:
The cast includes Ai Kakuma as Nema, Shūichiro Umeda as Ralph, Toru Furuya as Dale, and more. The light novel named I’ll Try My Best So I Can Pet and Pat in Another World, has been serialized since July 2016 with 15 volumes, and a manga adaptation by Yuriko Takagami has 11 volumes.
Synopsis of Fluffy Paradise:
Midori Akitsu (27 years old), ends up in another world after dying from overwork?! I got reincarnated in another world after God blessed me with a special ability. This ability is “to be loved by non-human beings.” Huh?! Meaning that humans might not like me, but all the fluffy animals will love me? Whoaaa! I get to pet a white tiger and dragons to my heart’s content! After being reborn as Néma, the youngest daughter of a top-class noble family, I’m doing my best for the survival of humanity(?) while enjoying this world’s fluffiness.
Source: Official Website
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