The TV anime adaptation of Flower and Asura by Ayano Takeda and Musshu is set to premiere on January 7, 2025. Alongside the announcement, the main visual, key promotional video, and additional cast details have been revealed.
The main promotional video introduces the opening theme, “Jibun Kakumei” by SHISHAMO, and the ending theme, “Roro” by Sato, both revealed for the first time.
Main Trailer:
Main Visual:
Minori Fujidera as Hana Haruyama
Miyuri Shimabukuro as Mizuki Usurai
Fuka Izumi as An Natsue
Shoya Chiba as Shudai Toga
Seiichiro Yamashita as Matsuyuki Akiyama
Kiyono Yasuno as Ryoko Totonoi
Taito Ban as Setaro Hakoyama
Koji Yusa as Hiromi Kichijoji
Yoko Hikasa as Shura Saionji
Director: Ayumu Uwano
Series Composition: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
Character Design: Ko Aine
Animation Production: Studio Bind
The manga “Flower and Asura” illustrated by Musshu and serialized in Shueisha’s Ultra Jump, started in 2021. Its seventh tankōbon volume is set to be released on June 19, 2024.
Source: Comic Natalie
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