The TV anime “Dragon Ball DAIMA,” created by Akira Toriyama, has announced additional cast members: Shotaro Morikubo, Junya Enoki, and Yoko Hikasa. The series is set to premiere on October 11.
The ending theme song, titled “NAKAMA” by Zedd featuring AI, is composed and produced by Zedd. He is also responsible for producing the opening theme song, while the Japanese-American singer-songwriter AI wrote the lyrics and provided the vocals for “NAKAMA”.
Main Visual:
Showtaro Morikubo as Gomah
Junya Enoki as Degesu
Yoko Hikasa as Dr. Arinsu
Original work, Story & Character Design: Akira Toriyama
Series Director: Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki
Character Design: Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru
Series Composition & Scenario: Yuko Kakihara
Animation Production: Toei Animation
The story follows Goku and his friends, who have been reduced to a small size by a conspiracy and must embark on a new world in order to solve it. The series also develops the mysteries of the Dragon Ball worldview, and depicts great adventures and intense action in an unknown and mysterious world.
Sources: Official Website
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