Netflix has officially released a teaser for the highly anticipated animated adaptation of CAPCOM‘s popular video game series, Devil May Cry! Helmed by Adi Shankar and produced by Studio MIR (known for DOTA: Dragon’s Blood), the anime is set to debut in 2024 and will consist of 8 episodes.
Official Teaser:
The first Devil May Cry game was released in 2001 as a PS2. The most recent entry in the stylish hack-and-slash series was 2019’s Devil May Cry 5, which was released for PS4, Xbox One, and Steam. The Devil May Cry games previously inspired a 2007 TV anime produced by Madhouse and directed by Shin Itagaki.
Synopsis according to Netflix:
In this animated adaptation of the popular Capcom game, sinister forces are at play to open the portal between the human and demon realms. In the middle of it all is Dante, an orphaned demon-hunter-for-hire, unaware that the fate of both worlds hangs around his neck.
Source: Netflix YouTube Channel
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