The TV anime DAN DA DAN, based on Yukinobu Tatsu‘s original work, concluded its first season today, December 20th. The second season is set to premiere in July 2025 and will air nationwide in the “Super Animeism TURBO” slot. Fans will be able to stream the series on Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu, Muse, and ADN.
Teaser Trailer:
Key Visual:
Original Work: Yukinobu Tatsu
Director: Fuga Yamashiro
Series Composition: Hiroshi Seko
Music: kensuke ushio
Character Design: Naoyuki Onda
Creature Design: Yoshimichi Kameda
Animation Production: Science SARU
DAN DA DAN a paranormal manga by Yukinobu Tatsu is serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ and an English language version is available from Viz Media. Crunchyroll describes the story as follows:
This is a story about Momo, a high school girl who comes from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult fanatic. After Momo rescues Okarun from being bullied, they begin talking. However, an argument ensues between them since Momo believes in ghosts but denies aliens exist, and Okarun believes in aliens but denies ghosts exist.
To prove to each other what they believe in is real, Momo goes to an abandoned hospital where a UFO has been spotted and Okarun goes to a tunnel rumored to be haunted. To their surprise, they each encounter overwhelming paranormal activities that transcend comprehension. Amid these predicaments, Momo awakens her hidden power and Okarun gains the power of a curse to overcome these new dangers! Their fateful love begins as well!?
The story of the occult battle and adolescence starts!
Source: Official website
© Yukinobu Tatsu/SHUEISHA, DANDADAN Production Committee
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