An anime adaptation of Yumu‘s novel “Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle” has been announced, with a planned broadcast in 2025. The series, which first debuted in 2019, is set to release its ninth volume on August 20, 2024.
Teaser Announcement:
Vol. 1:
According to Yen Press, the premise is described as follows:
Being popular isn’t easy. It’s hard to beat Saku Chitose. The most popular kid in his high school? Check. An ironclad reputation that can weather even vicious online attacks? Check. A group of friends as attractive on the outside as they are inside? Check. But when a teacher asks for his help bringing back a student who has been shut away in his room for months, Saku’s perfect world will never be the same. What is this, some kind of normie harem story…?
Source: Comic Natalie
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