In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the TV anime Assassination Classroom, based on the manga by Yusei Matsui, a collection featuring all seven opening and ending theme songs from the anime’s first and second seasons has been released simultaneously.
All Opening & Ending Theme Videos:
A 10th-anniversary illustration created by Kazuaki Morita has been released.
Special illustration:
10th Anniversary Visual:
The anime Assassination Classroom originally premiered on January 9, 2015. To kick off its 10th-anniversary celebrations, all 47 episodes will be rebroadcast on Fuji TV and other networks starting in April.
Crunchyroll streams the Assassination Classroom anime and describes the story as follows :
Forget about homework and pop quizzes. The students of Class 3E have a far more important assignment: kill their teacher before the end of the year! A tentacle-d sensei that moves at Mach 20 is out to conquer the classroom after destroying seventy percent of the moon. In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, the murderous monster behind the lectern will teach his students everything he knows about the assassination game. Should some eager beaver prove to be a quick study in killing, he or she will save Earth from extinction – and collect a hefty reward.
Source: Comic Natalie
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