MONOGATARI Series Introduces New Character Trailer, Sodachi Oikura!

The official website for the Monogatari anime series has released a character trailer featuring Sodachi Oikura, voiced by Marina Inoue. The anime “MONOGATARI Series:...

Netflix’s LEVIATHAN Anime Unveils Exclusive First Look at Anime Expo!

During their panel at Anime Expo, Orange shared an exclusive sneak peek of their upcoming Netflix series, LEVIATHAN. The anime is set to premiere...

Garden of Remembrance Short Film Reveals Main Visual!

The main visual for Naoko Yamada's short anime film, Garden of Remembrance, has been released. The image features three main characters. The film is...

BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls New 3D Fighting Game Announced at Anime Expo 2024!

Bandai Namco has announced at Anime Expo 2024 a new 3D fighting game based on the popular anime series Bleach, titled Bleach Rebirth of...

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Season 2 Shares Teaser PV!

The teaser PV of the TV anime "Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Season 2" has been released. The opening theme is "GG"...

Ubel Blatt Anime 1st Trailer and Key Visual Released, Premiere in January 2025!

The TV anime "Ubel Blatt" by Etorouji Shiono is set to broadcast in January 2025. Alongside this announcement, the first key visual and promotional...

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