The official website of The Irregular at Magic High School anime, have been updated with a character teaser and visual of Minami Sakurai for the Season...
The official account of the new SHINKALION anime, entitled "Shinkalion: Change The World" has revealed a main trailer and visual, cast, and staff details!...
Sorairo Utility original from Yostar Pictures, which was a 15-minute anime (OVA), confirms its treatment as an TV Anime series! A teaser visual, cast,...
Dungeon fantasy series by Toshi Aoi and Fujino Omori, the TV anime adaptation of Wistoria: Wand and Sword has been officially announced for July 2024!...
Crunchyroll, the global streaming platform, has announced the cinema release dates for SPY x FAMILY CODE: White for its international territories. Distributed by Crunchyroll...