Harmony of Mille-Feuille Anime Reveals Key Visual & Staff!

The key visual, character details, and staff information for the TV anime "Harmony of Mille-Feuille" have been revealed. The series is set to air...

MONOGATARI Series Reveals Shinobu Oshino Special Trailer!

The official website for the MONOGATARI anime series has unveiled a special trailer titled "Panaino! Compilation," showcasing Shinobu Oshino. The MONOGATARI Series: OFF &...

The Lord of The Rings: The War of The Rohirrim Anime Film Unveils New Visual!

Warner Bros. Animation has unveiled a new visual for the upcoming feature film "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim," directed...

Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku Anime Confirms Two Consecutive Cours!

The anime Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku is set to air for two consecutive cours starting October 4 in Japan. Directed by...

Blue Miburo TV Anime Reveals Ending Theme Artist!

The official website for Blue Miburo anime has revealed that the ending theme song, titled "UNBREAKABLE", will be performed by THE JET BOY BANGERZ....

Haigakura TV Anime Shares New Character Trailer!

The new character PV "Friends" for the TV anime Haigakura, based on Shinobu Takayama's work, has been released. The anime is scheduled to premiere...

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