Sgt. Frog New Anime Officially Announced!

A new project for the popular anime Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunso) has been announced. The released trailer was produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of...

Baki Hanma Anime Sequel “BAKI-DOU” Officially Announced!

An anime adaptation of Keisuke Itagaki's BAKI-DOU has been confirmed, along with the release of an announcement video. The animation production for the adaptation...

Kaiju No. 8 Anime Reveals Soshiro Hoshina in New Character Visual!

The official website for the Kaiju No. 8 anime has recently revealed a fresh character visual and trailer showcasing Soshiro Hoshina. The series is...

Mission: Yozakura Family Announces 2 Consecutive Cours with Additional Cast!

The upcoming TV anime Mission: Yozakura Family by Gonpei Hitsuji is set to be broadcast over two consecutive cours. Alongside this announcement, it was...

Shangri-La Frontier Season 2 Officially Announced!

Fans of the hit anime series Shangri-La Frontier rejoice, for a second season is officially on the horizon! Scheduled to premiere in October 2024...

Solo Leveling Season 2 -Arise from the Shadow- Officially Announced!

Today marks the conclusion of the first season of the Solo Leveling anime, and fans eagerly await its return with Season 2, titled "Arise...

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