Wistoria: Wand and Sword Anime Releases Character Trailer!

The character trailer of the TV anime "Wistoria: Wand and Sword" by Fujino Omori and Toshi Aoi has been released. The anime is set to premiere...

Suicide Squad ISEKAI Original Anime Reveals Joker in New Character Trailer!

Warner Bros. Japan and WIT Studio jointly updated the original anime Suicide Squad ISEKAI with a character trailer featuring Joker (voiced by Yuuichirou Umehara)! The anime series is based...

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Shares New Trailer!

A new trailer of "Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian" has been released. It was also announced that the opening and ending theme...

Viral Hit Anime Introduces Reo Shinjo in New Trailer and Visual!

A new trailer and visual have been released to commemorate Reo Shinjo's appearance in the sixth episode of the TV anime "Viral Hit". Reo...

Netflix Releases New Trailer and Visual for Ultraman: Rising Animated Film!

Tsuburaya Productions and Netflix have released a new trailer and new key visual for the CG animated feature film "Ultraman: Rising". The film is scheduled...

Atashin’chi NEXT Anime will premiere on June 5!

The release schedule for the new anime "Atashinchi NEXT" by Eiko Kera has been announced. Starting on June 5, new episodes will be released...

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