The isekai anime, Fluffy Paradise, based on Himawari‘s light novel series, is set to premiere on January 7, 2024 in Japan! (Crunchyroll premiered the first...
Netflix and Riot Games have unveiled the first look for Arcane Season 2! The season 2 will premiere on Netflix in November 2024!
First Look:
The three main...
The official website for BARTENDER Glass of God anime have been updated with a character visual of Yukari Higuchi with the Kir Royale cocktail! Check out the...
During a special New Year's broadcast for Overlord anime on TOKYO MX on January 1, new information about the Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom Movie (Holy...
The official website for the Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End anime franchise has posted a new character teaser of mages kanne and Lawine for the forthcoming second...