It has been decided that the completely new original story anime " Touken Ranbu Kai – Douden Chikashi Samuraira Umonora–", which depicts a prequel to...
A TV anime adaptation of Shun Umezawa's social thriller sci-fi, "THE DARWIN INCIDENT," has been confirmed, accompanied by the release of a teaser visual!...
HIDIVE will exclusively simulcast the new comedy series Plus-Sized Elf during its Summer 2024 season. Premiering in July, the series is adapted from the...
Crunchyroll has announced today that the anime adaptation of Inio Asano’s manga DEAD DEAD DEMONS DEDEDEDE DESTRUCTION will begin streaming on the platform on...
The international teaser visual for the theatrical anime feature "A NEW DAWN," directed by Yoshitoshi Shinomiya, has been released. The film is set to...