TV anime “Medalist” based on the original story of Tsurumaikada, a pair visual of Hikaru Urusaki and Jun Yataka has been released. The anime will be broadcast from January 2025!
Pair Visual:
The main cast includes:
Natsumi Haruse as Inori Yuitsuka
Takeo Ootsuka as Tsukasa Akeuraji
Kana Ichinose as Hikaru Kamisaki
Yuma Uchida as Jun Yodaka
Director: Yasutaka Yamamoto
Series composer: Jukki Hanada
Character designer and co-chief animation director: Chinatsu Kameyama
Animation production: ENGI
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Medalist is an anime adaptation derived from the manga series created by Tsurumaikada, originally serialized in Monthly Afternoon starting from 2020. In October 2023, Medalist had released nine tankobon volumes and received acclaim, winning the Tsugi ni Kuru Manga Taisho 2022 award for comics and the 68th Shogakukan Manga Award in the general category.
Kodansha USA describes the plot as follows:
Tsukasa, whose dreams were crushed. Inori, left to fend for herself. These two share a dream…and their tenacity may be the only thing that sees them through. Their destination? The ice…on the world’s stage!
Source: Official Website
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