The cast for the TV anime adaptation of With You and the Rain by Ko Nikaido has been revealed. Saori Hayami will voice the protagonist, Fuji, a novelist. Additional cast members include Yuna Kamakura, Satomi Sato, and Yuzu Yumoto. The anime is set to premiere in July, and a winter-themed key visual has also been unveiled.
Key Visual:
Saori Hayami as Fuji
Yuna Kamakura as Mimi
Satomi Sato as Ren
Yuzu Yumoto as Kii Ella Krause
Official announcement:
Director: Tomohiro Tsukimisato
Series Composition: Toko Machida
Character Design: Ayano Owada
Animation Production: Lesprit
The manga With You and the Rain has been serialized in Weekly Young Magazine since August 2020. So far, six volumes have been released, with a total circulation of 500,000 copies.
Kodansha USA publishes an official English version of the manga:
If it looks like a dog and acts like a dog and insists it’s a dog, it’s…a dog? Probably? She adopted it anyway, and her life with this “dog” will never be boring!
Source: Comic Natalie
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