The TV anime adaptation of Takopi’s Original Sin by Taizan 5‘s has been announced for 2025. A new teaser trailer has been released at Jump Festa 2025. The project is being planned and produced by TBS.
Teaser Trailer:
Teaser Visual:
Kurumi Mamiya as Takopi
Reina Ueda as Shizuka
Director / Series Composition: Shinya Iino
Character Design: Keita Nagahara
Animation Production: ENISHIYA
MANGA PLUS describes the manga as follows:
Takopi travels from his home of Happy Planet to spread happiness across Earth, but meets the unsmiling Shizuka upon landing. Her friends at school and home life seem to be the source of her somber expression?and the pure-hearted Takopi is determined to change things for the better!
But what truths await him when the curtains rise in this shocking drama?!
Source: Official Twitter
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