The TV anime “Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four” by Muramitsu and Benigashira has been set for January 6, 2025. The first episode will air on January 1 (Wednesday), with subsequent episodes following on Mondays starting January 6, both for early streaming and regular broadcasts in Japan.
Key Visual:
Director: Michio Fukuda
Assistant Director: Seung Deok Kim
Series Composition: Hiroko Fukuda
Character Design: Ayumi Nishihata
Art Director: Ken Naito
Music: Takafumi Wada
Animation Production: GEEKTOYS × CompTown
Seven Seas Entertainment publishes in English, describes the story as follows:
Uchimura Denosuke is your normal, everyday salaryman trying to climb the corporate ladder. But then he’s summoned to a terrifying fantasy world by the Demon Overlord, who offers him a new job—as one of the Heavenly Kings in his army, with full benefits! Uchimura may not have muscles or magic, but he does have an office worker’s skills and savvy. Will they be enough to keep him alive?
Source: Comic Natalie
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