The second trailer and additional cast for the TV anime “Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hogen Sugite Tsura Sugiru“, based on Egumi Sora‘s original work, have been revealed. The anime is set to premiere in Japan in January 2025.
New Trailer:
Key Visual:
Yamato Kinjo as Tetsu Higa
Miyuri Shimabukuro as Suzu Higa
Risa Tsumugi as Naoya Higa
Yuko Gibu as Sachiko Kyan
OP artist: HY
Chief director, series composer: Shin Itagaki
Director, series composer: Shingo Tanabe
Character designer: Tomohiro Yoshida
Music composer: Tomohisa Ishikawa, Yoshimi Katayama, Ayano Kinjo
Animation production: Millepensee
The manga, by Egumi Sora, follows transfer student Teruaki Nakamura and his crush Hina Kyan, who speaks in the Okinawan dialect. The manga has eight volumes as of February 2024.
Source: Official Website
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