A TV anime adaptation of CITY has been announced, set to air in 2025 under the title CITY THE ANIMATION. This marks Kyoto Animation‘s first new anime project in six years. A teaser PV and visual have also been unveiled!
Teaser Trailer:
Teaser Visual:
Midori Nagumo:Mikako Komatsu
Niikura:Aki Toyosaki
Wako Izumi:Yui Ishikawa
Original by:Keiichi Arawi “CITY” (Kodansha「Morning」)
Director:Taichi Ishidate
Animation by:Kyoto Animation
This town, is not just a normal town.
There’s laughter, love and emotional moments.
An unpredictable ordinary life presented by the residents!
Exciting stuffs come one after another. Welcome to CITY
Source: Official Website
© Keiichi Arawi, KODANSHA/CITY THE ANIMATION Production Committee
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