A special video celebrating the 40th anniversary of “Transformers” has been released, produced by the renowned anime studio TRIGGER. This commemorative project is a collaboration between Takara Tomy, the creators of “Transformers,” the band BUMP OF CHICKEN, and TRIGGER.
The video showcasing successive generations of robotic life forms features the song “May Day”, which was released in 2007 by BUMP OF CHICKEN.
Special Video:
Storyboarding, directing, and animation direction is Akira Amemiya, who worked on SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon and Gridman Universe, was in charge.
Additionally, the production of the collaborative product “BUMP OF CHICKEN CONVOY,” which features colors inspired by the members of BUMP OF CHICKEN, is also in progress. This product also makes an appearance in the special commemorative video.
Source: Comic Natalie
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